Benefits & values are straightforward

First, integrate all of your apps & infra across multiple sites & cloud.

Then, automate at your best.

Finally, you save time & money through efficient & productive business operations.

10 Reasons for WatchMyDC®

1. True full-stack automation platform

Provides a true cloud-native SaaS platform to integrate and automate enterprise's hybrid IT ecosystems. While accessing them through open standard methodologies; SSH, WinRM, API, etc.

2. Reduce IT response time

All common, repetitive and predictive IT requests are cleared within 2-3 minutes. Automated incident management is one of the key features.

3. Ensure Uptime

It is software that is connected to your IT infrastructure and applications 24x7. Acts as a survivor in midnight situations, and proactively prevent downtime situations.​

4. Integration Platform as a Service

WatchMyDC integrates most of your legacy and modern infrastructure and applications together. Thus allowing automated communications between those.

5. Offload all common, predictive and repetitive workloads

Create workflows in WatchMyDC® low-code environment for most of your workloads. Simplify the task execution by events, a simple click or by a schedule.

6. A leap towards Hyperautomation strategy

As Gartner Research, Inc. predicted the rise of Hyperautomation solutions by 2025, WatchMyDC® is the platform of the future.

7. A centralized platform for a multisite environment

Brings all of your sites under a single dashboard. Monitor them and perform common activities through automation. Send a team only if you have hardware issues.

8. More focused and streamlined IT operations

Enterprise's IT and DevOps teams can be more focused on innovative tasks, offloading behind predictive & predictive tasks to WatchMyDC®. Team efficiency takes a leap forwards, while IT O&M processes are more streamlined.

9. Flexible pricing model

Supports both pay-as-you-go and enterprise agreement pricing model - whatever suits you the best.

10. Save your budget

Finally, save the IT budget with the help of IT automation. Observe the ROI immediately after deployment.


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